Our love from handbags come from our mom. My mom loves nice, leather handbags so we have been taught that it’s better to invest in a handbag that will last years over cheaper versions that go bad in a couple of months. Although we would to splurge on nice handbags, we simply can’t afford that but the Holidays are the perfect reason for a splurge; right? Here are some of the handbags we are loving and wishing to purchase. Which one’s your favorite? 


Belen’s Picks: 1 |   2  |   3  |  4  | 5

Andre’s Picks:  1  |  2  |  3  | 4  | 5

And last but not least, a  super fun wallet  for the guy in your life!

Do you prefer trendy handbags or investment pieces? Let us know in the comments below!


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