Remember those goals you set this year? If you haven’t made your New Year’s Resolutions happen yet, there’s no need to panic. You might be feeling the pressure right about now to go into hustle mode, but before you do that my advice is to work smarter, not harder. Now is a great time of year to reflect and prioritize so you can create a plan for living and loving your life.
Here are my 6 steps for rocking your goals this year:
#1 Get Clear + Let Go
Getting clear about your priorities is so much easier when you commit to letting go of what isn’t working. If you set a goal at the beginning of the year that just isn’t fitting with your current lifestyle or schedule, it’s OK to let it go. This year I had planned to spend more time improving my marketing skills and taking online courses but as my job responsibilities and side hustle grew, I had to shift my priorities. I also committed to reading one new book a month. I’m proud to say I’ve kept up with this goal and I plan on sticking to it. When you give yourself permission to let go of what’s not serving you, you will create space to pursue the goals you are most passionate about.
#2 Set Boundaries
Working on your goals is a lot like going to the gym. It takes commitment and dedication. Maybe starting that blog this year means you have to get up an hour earlier. Or losing those last 10 pounds might mean passing on that second slice of pizza. Whatever it is, it’s important to create boundaries for yourself. In addition to those boundaries, also consider your non-negotiables. This can be anything that is not up for debate. For example, maybe you will say no to anything that interferes with your commitment to waking up 30 minutes early to journal each day. When you set firm boundaries in place and know where you stand, it’s a game changer.
#3 Mindset Starts in the Morning
Having a consistent morning routine and practice will set you up for success. A morning practice doesn’t have to be complicated either. My morning routine includes making a healthy Arbonne shake, writing down what I’m thankful for in my gratitude journal and saying my daily affirmations. Create a morning routine that works for you even if it’s only 15 minutes. I promise it will change your mood for the entire day.
#4 Ditch the Negative Self Talk
How you speak to yourself when things aren’t working out can play a big part in achieving your goals. When we beat ourselves up or engage in engage in negative self talk, we tend to play into limiting beliefs and stories that keep us stuck. When you find these thoughts creeping in, take a moment to step back and reflect on all you’ve already accomplished and give yourself some self love.
#5 Keep the Vision
Research shows that if you can actively visualize your goals you are much more likely to achieve them. When doing anything new for the first time, the unknowns can trigger our fears. But when we focus on the outcome and create a mental image, we feel more familiar with the outcome we want to achieve rather than what can go wrong. This is why vision boards, journals and visual meditation can have such a big impact.
#6 Break it Down
It’s so much easier to reach your goals when you can break them down into steps. Each time you complete a small task toward your goal, it gives you momentum for achieving your goals. If you want to run a half marathon, for example, try running one extra mile a week for several months leading up to the race. Think about the steps needed to break down your current goals and create a timeline to get there. Don’t forget to celebrate the small wins! Each step you take is one step closer to bringing your goals to life.
XO, Belen