I have to tell you guys a story. Something that has been with me for a while and feels like it’s time to share. Bare with me if somethings don’t make much sense but I think this post will help us relate to each other better. When I was 21, I opened my first business, … Continue Reading

Doubt & Dreams Some tips to help you shut off the doubt in your dreams:Sharing a piece of motivation that will help you pull through any difficult times you have during the work-week or life, to be honest. + If you are doubting yourself today but have a dream burning inside of you, talk yourself … Continue Reading

As I sit in my room trying to come up with motivational/inspirational blog posts to share with you guys, I come to the realization that I’m unconsciously pushing away something I love – Style. I’ve shared time and time again the failure of my first business, an online clothing store for women and yet, I … Continue Reading

  Hi guys! as I mentioned last week on our instagram, there hasn’t been any content here on the blog because we are trying to re-focus our intention with the site. To start off, I wanted to tell you the story of why I created A Hint of Life. Things are about to get a … Continue Reading

It’s easy (sometimes) to talk about myself, my stories, my experiences and failures in hopes of inspiring you to lead the life you want; whether it’s a corporate life, a freelance life, a healthy life or a party life – in reality, all I want is for you to fulfill your dreams regardless of what … Continue Reading

Career Advice Ever since I was little, I have had a great role model… my dad. He has never settled and always went on to pursue bigger and better things; it is because of his effort that I have had the beyond privileged life I’ve had. It is because of my dad that I have … Continue Reading