Starting a Business From Home Have you ever thought about working from home or maybe the idea of just making extra money without having to kill yourself working 2-3 jobs?! The truth is there are so many opportunities for starting a business from home. Online businesses are booming and anyone (literally anyone) can start one. … Continue Reading

Hi! I remember when I worked in an office my office outfits were a big priority during my nights when I planned my outfit for the next morning. The only problem was that… you guessed it: workwear is EXPENSIVE! I often found myself repeating outfits, I even had a schedule laid out: Pants, Dress, Pants, … Continue Reading

The type of side business you need to start to secure your finances during these uncertain times.

The empowerment wake-up call you need to stop quitting on your dreams because of someone else’s thoughts.

I’ve been on a roll listening to the Yoga Girl podcast. If you haven’t done so, I suggest you do. I used to be very good at listening to every episode every week and then I fell off the routine. I’m happy I’m back now. I love how she speaks. It’s really refreshing.  So, yesterday … Continue Reading

As you know, my life has taken quite a spin in the last few months. I have always believed that we, women, have everything in our power to create the lives we want. We do not need a guy to come in and give us a life; they come into our lives to make it … Continue Reading

Source: Investing in your future is money well spent in all instances. In order to ensure a bright future for ourselves, we should start investing in it on time. It’s never too early to start with small steps and investments. Even small steps are important and together as a whole they create a prosperous, … Continue Reading

I am officially a proud member of the side hustle generation and if you’re reading this blog, there’s a good chance you are too. The number of millenials with a side hustle has grown significantly since the recession of 2008.  A side hustle is an additional revenue stream outside of your primary job that can … Continue Reading

We all have dreams. My dreams in particular have to do with my lifestyle; which is the reason why I started this blog. In here, I decided to chase my dreams and share my experiences with all of you because I believe we all deserve to live the life we want. I love to work, … Continue Reading

Remember those goals you set this year? If you haven’t made your New Year’s Resolutions happen yet, there’s no need to panic. You might be feeling the pressure right about now to go into hustle mode, but before you do that my advice is to work smarter, not harder. Now is a great time of … Continue Reading

Hi! Welcome back to A Hint of Life! As I have mentioned before, I know you guys are BIG into your careers and jobs aside from living a healthy and fit lifestyle, so today we are going to talk a little about finding happiness in your career.  Would you believe that you can get happiness … Continue Reading

Hi besties! Welcome back to my blog. As I mentioned in my previous post, the beginning of a brand new year, comes  with a lot of talk surrounding goals and resolutions. Many of them have to do with our career and the steps needed to get what we want. After all, we spend a big … Continue Reading

For many people, doing a job is about much more than just going to the office each day and getting paid at the end of the month. Some people want to do something each day that actually makes a difference, that helps others who need support and help to make their lives better. Having this … Continue Reading

What if today your life changed? What if today you acted? What if today you got un-scared? What if today you did something that made you uncomfortable? What if today you made a decision to start something you haven’t done yet? To keep that promise you’ve made to yourself to become better? to do better? … Continue Reading

There comes a time when we feel like the world has brought us down to our knees. For some of us this time might be one moment, but for others, it can grow to a whole period of self-pity and even depression. Not being able to get out of bed because you don’t feel comfortable … Continue Reading

Self doubt: lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities. Self Doubt is a killer of goals and dreams. I hear it all the time from friends and people I encounter that they want to do this or that but don’t. Why? They don’t feel they have what it takes to follow their calling. What I … Continue Reading

{By Margarita Wells, an environmental professional & writer} – I began my career as an intern where I currently work; it lay the foundation for my professional path, therefore, I take my role as a mentor very seriously. Over the years I have worked with interns of different ages, educational levels and academic backgrounds and tailored … Continue Reading

As if the interview process weren’t stressful enough, part of accepting the job offer is to negotiate your salary. Not the most fun but incredibly necessary. Money is not everything but let’s be honest here, if you are killing it at your career, you might as well be getting paid fairly; right? Ok.   Why should you … Continue Reading

6 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Accept That Job Offer {Brought to you by Elarie Consulting – a career consulting company} No matter how desperate you are in your job search, you need to make sure that you’re always vetting the companies you’re applying to. This is critical, because if you end up landing an … Continue Reading

Hii!! As you might have noticed, I’ve been missing from the online world for 2 weeks. It was an unexpected, unplanned two week vacation from blogging but despite my “freak out” moments the first few days, it turned out to be a really great “vacation”. This two week hiatus from the blog was unexpected because … Continue Reading