So, what are my health goals? Health and Fitness always kick my butt because I try to be as healthy as possible but there’s always that PIZZA or FRENCH FRY I want to eeaat yummmmy! No matter what though, I always end up at the gym trying to sweat everything away! I think when it comes to being healthy, it’s a life struggle… you have to fight it until it becomes a part of your life, we have to start small! One small change at the time will impact your life in a good way. I like mixing in healthy juices to my breakfast or having an after workout smoothie because it helps incorporate veggies and fruits I wouldn’t normally eat.
This past weekend, I tried the meal replacement smoothie from Smoothie King as part of my lunch and it was very filling. It’s safe to say that after 3 hours I was hungry again which is how it should normally be. If you are trying to incorporate juices or healthy smoothies into your diet, I suggest giving Smoothie King a try as they have a variety of yummy choices for all types of tastes! I don’t recommend just drinking smoothies for a month but I like the idea of a 1 week challenge. Just like it takes 1 week for us to get used to and “liking” going to the gym… it can take 1 week for us to get used to and LOVE the benefits of having a meal replacement smoothie.