Back to normal scheduling girls! I received this TKO 4-way resistance bands for a review and have finally had the time to try them out! I have found a new love for working out; I feel like before (3 months ago maybe) working out for me was more of “I HAVE TO” now, “I WANT TO” and this is something that makes me really happy. Working out should be part of your life, it shouldn’t feel like a chore but in order to get to this point, I believe you have to try out different kinds of workouts, days and times. If you don’t have a clear vision of what you really enjoy and the times that truthfully work with your schedule, you will always find a reason to put it off.
Believe me, sacrifice one month of your life and incorporate a workout routine. Maybe 3 times a week and you will see the difference. Once you see the difference and you have set your routine, your attitude towards the gym/working out will change. I created a small routine, you could do at home and it won’t take more than 45 min. Try it out!
Squat + Biceps: Squat down and on your way up, do bicep curls. 3 sets of 20
Shoulders: Start with arms on the center where the bands meets and open arms to the side. 3 sets of 20.
Back: Again, start with you arms down where the bands meet -> raise arms and push back. Squeeeeze your back! 3 sets of 20.
Stretch: LOVE these TKO resistance bands because I can stretch my legs! Remember to always stretch after your workouts; it will help you prevent any injuries and you won’t be as sore.
I really liked these resistance bands. They are great for a quick workout. Find the TKO resistance bands here .
Let me know if you try this quick workout! Leave me comments below or connect with me on facebook & instagram 🙂