Andrea and Belen took a vacation trip to Europe and they are back with fresh minds for the rest of the year! They drove almost all through-out Italy and towards the end, Belen had a YOLO moment and took a plane to Holland with her best friend. Here’s a peak to the sister’s vacation:
Traveled to a little town called Paestum in Italy to see some ruins and learn about the past –BelenIt’s a wonderful thing to have another sister (Aliana) – Here we were doing some tourism the day before the BIG DAY! – Andre The reason why we traveled to Italy was because of a wedding. Aliana’s brother got married and we HAD to be there. This is me and my sister in the gardens of the reception location. How cute are the flowers? – Andre
After the wedding, we took a trip to the other side of Italy. Cisternino, Italy. A cute small town in which all houses are white and this was the beautiful sunset. Cisternino is a town close to my heart – the city where one of the person’s that have impacted my life the most was born. – BelenHere we are at a cute town where people still live in these tiny houses called Trulli. All white, made with stones without cement. Incredible!!! – BelenOf course we had to eat… French fries with mayo, peanut sauce and onions. YUMMY! – Belen
And now… Holland! What a beautiful country. Totally different than the other European countries I had been to. This is the Red Light District. – BelenAttended Aliana’s graduation – She’s now an Industrial Designer!! #proudAfter Aliana’s graduation (which I wasn’t supposed to attend but had a YOLO moment and bought a ticket) we were getting ready to go out to celebrate and Aliana’s brother was being “funny” taking pictures ahaha – Belen
A lot of party, a full day of tourism ended like this. Chilling with friends at home.Time to go back home to Miami. For a cheaper flight, I stopped at Copenhagen and did a few hours of tourism by myself. Loved every second of it.I love traveling and immersing myself into the culture. Aliana did an internship in Denmark so she guided me thru the city and recommended this cafe – Lagkagehuset. If ever in Copenhagen, give it a try! – Belen
“Travel while you are young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.”
This trip was incredibly special to us, not because we got to know different places but because it was proof of true friendship. Aliana’s family and ours has been apart for 15 years yet we are as close as ever. Experiences over anything. Take chances, MAKE IT WORK!! – Andre & Belen