Interval training fitness challenge results

It’s been about 15 days since we announced THE FITNESS CHALLENGE. The idea of starting a fitness challenge sparked as I realized we were traveling to Italy for a wedding and wanted to look and feel awesome. From past experience, traveling is synonym to indulgence and even more so when your destination is Italy! A couple of days into the challenge, I realized this fitness challenge was more about a Lifestyle Change Lifestyle –

Here’s how I felt through out the 2 weeks:

  • First couple of days were hard. Waking up early to workout or working out after work is not easy but the word “Challenge” helped me through the tough days/nights.
  • Holy soreness! Like Andrea explained, the fitness challenge consisted on interval training with different focus areas during the week. Leg day wasn’t the hardest to complete as I believe my legs are the strongest but they are the part of my body that was the most sore… maybe because I was able to push harder? **If you are a fitness expert, please help me out with this!**
  • It’s ok to adapt. Our warm-ups consisted on sprinting for 30 seconds and resting for 30 seconds for 15 minutes straight. This is an awesome warm-up because it gets your hearts pumping but 3 days a week of this, hurts my knees. My adaptation was: 1 running day, 2 elliptical days and always made sure to do intervals of fast/slow to get the blood going!
  • I thought I would stop eating fatty things: fries, pasta, beer, wine, etc but, I didn’t. This fitness challenge was difficult and cutting myself off of some of my indulgence wasn’t going to work. I ate healthy, fresh and natural everyday but, I indulged everyday as well. Balance!

Interval training fitness challenge results

As far as physical results, I feel stronger and look a little leaner around my waist and arms. I wasn’t expecting massive results but wanted to feel great going into a vacation.  Interval training is intense but fun because time goes by so much faster as you are focusing on different exercises for a short period of time.

Andre is the one that developed the plan we needed to follow but as we started working out, we noticed some days were too difficult (so much so that we couldn’t finish the routines) and others were waaay to easy. We are going back now to the planning mode and will make some adjustments to the workout routines so we can share with you something that makes sense and won’t demotivate you to commit to a lifestyle change with fitness.

FYI –  The wedding we are traveling for is this Sunday, make sure to check-out instagram for an update and complete wedding look!

Thanks so much for reading – leave me your thoughts below! xo, Belen

In case you missed last post, read it here

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