Summer is sadly…over. All the Daredevil and Gilmore Girls binge watching, sleeping in ’till 10:30, going to sleep at 2 am, has come to an end. Although this summer was not what I expected, such as, I had funner plans in my mind of what I wanted to do with my friends, it was still a very fun summer and I am grateful that I got to spend a portion of it in Italy for a beautiful wedding. As summer comes to an end, classes begin *blegh* This will be my first year attending FIU, and I couldn’t be more excited. This is what I have been waiting for about a year.
Having been at FIU for about a week, I can already tell you that these next two years I have left of university, will be the best. I get to see my best friends, and the people I haven’t seen high school is reminiscent of the fun times we used to have together back then. The people here are way different than those I ‘met’ in Colorado. I am so so happy that I am back in Miami and get to experience a better environment that is suited to me and what I like and how I am.
When I was in Colorado, every time I stepped on to the university, I felt everyone watching me and judging me because of how I was dressed. One time, I was wearing normal gym clothes to class (because, hello, who has time to actually get all fancy in the morning for class???) and I felt everyone just giving me weird looks, because apparently, that’s against the rules. Now that I’m at FIU, I feel like I can wear anything and not get judged or feel ridiculed. This is how comfortable I am: I wore EYESHADOW to class last week. EYE. SHA. DOW. and MASCARA. If you know me, you know this is “yuge.” I am the most laid back, simplest, most ‘hobo’ person I know when it comes to going to class. I love what just being at FIU for one week is doing to me, and I cannot wait to see what the next two years hold.
What are your guys’ plans for the week? If you just started school, how’s it going? Comment below 🙂
Don’t forget to catch up on our latest post here about affordable skincare! xoxo