Happy Monday!! This will be the perfect post to lift your spirits and be a rock-star at your job! There’s different things that can happen at jobs… your co-worker doesn’t like you or you don’t like one of your co-workers, you don’t see eye to eye with your boss or your superior, you might be working 2 jobs and it’s incredibly tiring…anything can happen but if we want to do the best at our jobs (I hope so!) it has to start from within us. Remember that everything is possible.
We might get caught up in all the distractions at work but if you keep your mind positive, great things can happen. I have done some research about what triggers people to feel “down” at work and the answer is fear. Fear of being wrong, fear of getting a “NO”, fear that someone else’s work might be better than yours. People pass on opportunities solely because of fear and it’s time to stop. So, with some research behind me & along with my personal experience at work, here are 3 important steps that will help you be FEARLESS AT WORK! I partnered with Lia from A Girl in Her Thirties to bring you these practical tips! Check out her tips, here.
- Be excited – Fear and excitement have the same physiological symptoms. It is all about how your mind interprets it. Instead of worrying about how a meeting/presentation will go, get excited to share your experiences, kill the presentation, get promoted. Besides, being excited and happy makes people angry… enjoy your happiness!
- Handle rejection – “No” doesn’t always mean no; maybe you just have to ask in a different way or maybe it means “no” now but in a couple of months, it will be a “yes!”. See rejection as feedback and act upon it rather than sinking with your emotions. Constantly ask for feedback and work towards achieving your goals, then… ask again! Don’t settle.
- Don’t second guess yourself – If you are working on a big presentation or want to ask for a raise, give yourself a deadline, prepare yourself with all needed information and just go for it. Don’t think too much about all the possible things that could go wrong because that’s when mistakes are made. You are already prepared, that’s why you gave yourself a deadline. Be brave and go for it!
Lastly, remember that all fear is based on uncertainty.There’s nothing I dislike the most than being able to notice uncertainty when someone is speaking. If you are saying something or trying to get to a point, own it. Believe in yourself, be proud of your work and let people know you know what are you are talking about (even if you don’t), it will make people around you trust you more and trust is needed 167674% at work!
Is there anything you are struggling with at work? Let me know, let’s talk! Make sure to pass by Lia’s blog from A Girl In Her 30s to see her view on being Fearless At Work!
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