By Belen – Never been a BIG make-up person puts me at a disadvantage with anything to do with it, including make-up tools like brushes. It’s not that I don’t use make-up… I do, but never too much. As you have seen on my pictures here on the blog and on our instagram page, my look is always very natural with a bold lip (red lips are my favorite) and have never thought too much about cleaning my make-up brushes until recently. How do we really clean them? How often do we need to clean them? I turned to the instagram community and asked their advice/expertise/opinion (thank you to everyone who commented, DMed, emailed or texted us, it makes us really happy to communicate with you) Below I’m showing you the tested and approved tips that I received so that you can also try these at home … because they worked!

How To Clean Your Make-Up Brushes  at Home1. Use baby shampoo or conditioner  – I found a baby conditioner from an Ecuadorian brand we probably bought in one of our trips back home but obviously you can use any baby shampoo brand, like this one.

2. Open water faucet and let the water drip to your hand while moving the brush in circular ways on your palm. Do not let water get to the top of brush because that can make the glue of the bristles weak and then your brush will fall apart. Add a bit of the baby shampoo and keep moving your brush in circles (you’ll start seeing make-up on the sink) until you feel it’s “clean”.

3. Press your brush onto a paper towel to remove any water excess and then spray alcohol to the tips of your bush.

4. With the tip of your brush wet, go to the paper towel and again, move your brush in a circular way. This step will let you know if the brush is clean or not. If you see make-up on your paper towel, repeat all steps until no make-up comes off.

5. Leave your brushes laying flat over night to make sure they are dry.



Here’s what I learned:

Do the spraying alcohol step to your brushes, EVERY TIME you put make-up on! This will keep them clean from make-up and bacteria which is great to keep our skin healthy and clear of any breakouts.

If you use a lot of make-up do the entire cleaning steps once a week. Since I don’t, I will try to do these cleanings every 2-3 weeks. ​​

Lastly, one person recommended this make-up brush cleaning mat I might look into buying it to make the process easier and less time consuming but I want to hear your opinion first; how do YOU clean your brushes? Have you tried this make-up brush cleaning mat? Leave us a reply at the end of this post! 

How To Clean Your Make-Up Brushes
Read more about it here!

PS. Catch up on my previous post about not drinking alcohol for week, here. 

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