When we came back from Mexico after the Holidays, I started watching a tv show on Netflix called Velvet. It’s a show based on the 50’s about a super rich family that owns a department store – Something like Bergdorf Goodamn – the whole show is a drama but it’s been so interesting to me to see the difference in society. The way people spoke, the way they treated each other, how everyone dressed – everything seemed to be much more “respectful”. I don’t appreciate the fact that society divided so strongly rich vs poor but I liked the way guys behaved in a gentleman way. I love the way women walked, the way they did their hair, their clothes that defined their body without it being vulgar.
The reason why I love fashion so much it’s because it allows you to dress the part you want. For example, last week, inspired by Velvet I went for a super ladylike outfit and loved my energy the entire day. This olive dress is from Loft and I got it when I worked there a couple of years ago. The shoes are from Franco Sarto and the jacket is perfect for a dress like this! it’s from SheIn and it’s $22.
Sometimes, I get caught up in what is “trending” in the Fashion world and get things that satisfy the public but the truth is, this is more me. I love feeling like a lady, it brings me joy and makes me feel powerful.
Tell me, how do you express yourself with fashion?
Similar dress:Here & Here – Franco Sarto has amazing shoes! Find another option Here