Meditation has always been so strange to me; having tried it a couple of times and totally failing at it, I thought it just wasn’t for me. But then again, that’s how yoga started as well. Being used to hard-core workouts in which you have people yelling at you different things like “FASTER!”, “COME ON!”, “YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT!”, yoga didn’t come easy to me but after a few years it’s safe to say there are times in which I CRAVE IT.

Reading “The Universe Has Your Back”, it became clear to me that meditation is no different than yoga. Although some people say yoga is not a work-out per se, it’s a full blown mind work-out and I imagine meditation to be the same. In the first chapters of the book, Gabby introduces you to meditation and small prayers to say through-out the day to help you stay aligned with your power and I immediately thought “This must be good, so I MUST try it”. I admit, my sister freaked out a bit as we were both sitting in my room reading our respective books and all of the sudden I blurb out: “I’m going to meditate!” so, jumped out of bed, closed the door and sat facing my closet. Close my eyes, placed my hands on my knees, kept my back straight and deeply inhaled and exhaled.

Latest Update On The Universe Has Your Back Book

Gabby says that in meditation you should have deep thoughts about your life; about where you want your life to go (that’s why it should be done in the morning) and let your mind show you images of your future life that way, you can fully grasp it. So, you sit in meditation for as long as you need – I did about 5 minutes and thought about 2 main things I want in my life.

  • A long, sweet, happy relationship with my boyfriend
  • A small business that can give me the freedom to live life independently

These two thoughts were repeated in my head for 5 minutes while I breathed deeply and I have to be completely honest: I didn’t see images (they say you need more practice and concentration with this) but, I did feel lighter, happy and with a purpose. This morning, I woke up and the first thing I did was sit, close my eyes, breathe deeply and meditate. Today has been an AWESOME day and truly believe it having to do with being content with myself and knowing where all the work is taking me.

I leave you with this thought: ” You are the dreamer of your dream that is your life. Give yourself the gift of opening your mind to a world beyond what you have been taught to believe in.” 

What have you been taught to believe in? How are those belief’s reflective of your life movie? Let me know below or email me directly to belen (at) ahintoflife dot com

I really want to know, and wish you join me in reading this awesome book so we can talk more about it!

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