33, Pregnant, and Running a Business: The Morning Routine That Keeps Me Energized
Welcome to my 6am morning routine as a 33-year-old, pregnant, business owner!
Let’s be real, being pregnant wakes up some feeling and thoughts and questions in you that you’ve probably never thought about before. It’s an exciting time and it is also a time of lots of questions, planning, and trying to figure out how to give your baby the best life possible.
I am 24 weeks pregnant this week and every week it feels like those thoughts or questions intensify. What the HECK am I doing?! haha
Those constant thoughts and questions bring your mood down, and they keep you stuck rather than help you move forward.
So, I started this 6am morning routine. It’s nothing crazy, nothing that takes 4 hours to do. You simply need 30-45 min and you’ll be more energized, focused, and with a good mindset throughout your day.
Here’ what I’ve been doing as a morning routine to help me stay energized and with the right mindset:
- Wake up early (doesn’t have to be 6 am, just early enough to have 30-45 min to yourself before everyone else wakes up or you have to go to work.
- Do your morning thing (bathroom, skincare, breakfast, etc.)
- Get yourself a book in the personal development world. I have my favorites listed here.
- Get a journal and start your money mindset journaling. Do not skip this step! It is so important.
Here are some of the prompts for your journaling (based on the book but curated by me):
- Write down you “why” – why do you want to make more money? how much more money is more money? Be specific
- Establish an energy minimum. This means, what is the least amount of money you are “available” to receive each month.
- Write down 3 things that irritate you about your money situation right now and find a solution for them.
- Find 5 things you are grateful for
- List 5 reasons why you have faith in yourself to reach your goals
- Put together 3 things to help you stay in an abundant mindset when you are feeling down
The book I reference has instructions on every chapter, so I hightly recommend you get the book, read it, and put it to practicebut the 6 prompts above will help you develop a stronger mindset, stay focused on your goals, and stay energized throughout the day.
Clarity = Energy.
So, if you are struggling with focus and energy, this 6 am routine will be a total game changer.
Leave me any questions below or over on my instagram and let me know if you try this morning routine.