Wasn’t kidding when I said millennial couples’ reality is that guys cook better than girls; do you agree? Luis (my boyfriend) doesn’t only like to cook more than me, but it’s 10000% much better than me at it. But, I do LOVE the idea of being an awesome cook and being more involved in the kitchen, so I’m really happy to be partnering with IMUSA to share my kitchen essentials: things I use and re-use almost everyday for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
So, let’s get to the kitchen essentials:
- I start my days with warm water and lemon so obviously, part of my kitchen essentials, has to be this lemon squeezer. It’s strong, gets all the juice out and it doesn’t hurt that it’s red (my favorite color, if you can’t tell!)
2. Then, coffee! Again, if you can’t tell by all mys insta stories, I’m a coffee girl. I love espresso and this machine is great because I can make up to 6 cups in one! Also, kitchen essentials are these cute, little red espresso cups. They come in packs of 4.
3. Lastly, probably the most important kitchen essential, rice maker! You can take a girl out of South America but you can’t take rice out of me. I LOVE rice; it’s part of my lunch and dinner.
… in case you didn’t believe me. Here’s me taking a bite of delicious rice made from the IMUSA rice maker!
These four simple products are definitely kitchen essentials for me. I use them really, everyday. I invite you to take a look at IMUSA – they are the number 1 Hispanic and international cookware company AND pretty, pretty accessible. Fun Fact: When we lived in Ecuador (16 years ago!) almost all of our cookware was IMUSA so this is pretty cool to be cooking with them again 🙂
xo, Belen