You know when there’s a fashion trend you don’t really love and it really doesn’t look good on you but somehow end up wearing it because it’s “in” and you know… sometimes we fall into peer pressure? It wasn’t until this past month that I noticed I’ve been putting other people’s opinions before mine for … Continue Reading

With February around the corner, I can’t stop thinking about travel. Although I will only be traveling one time during February, I have different activities planned that make me excited and HAPPY. First off, we are going to Colorado for Andre’s 21st birthday! I can’t believe she’s turning 21. I remember a couple of years … Continue Reading

I never understood why people were so into farmers market. I know it’s a trendy thing to do; people wait for Sunday, go to brunch and then make a stop at the Farmers Market and make some healthy, expensive purchases. Well, I put it to the test a couple of weekends ago with Luis. We … Continue Reading

I have mentioned over and over my love for beauty products. Everything that encompasses skin care tips, beauty tips, I LOVE! this love has moved down to my sister, Andre and recently I introduced her to one of my favorite beauty stores, Glossier. Today, we wanted to share our current beauty supply with you. We are … Continue Reading

Christmas is gone, I know 🙂 but many of us probably received a gift card from someone at school, at work or even from a family member. I’m not a big fan of giving out gift cards because to me, it’s a little “cold” but, I also understand time is limited and sometimes you really … Continue Reading

Merry Christmas friends! Today is a total lazy day in our home. It’s 11:45 am and I just got out of bed after waking up at 9:30 and reading a little bit of Nasty Galaxy and Lean In. Now, we are going to watch some Christmas movies – What are you doing today? In February I’m … Continue Reading

For me, Christmas time is the most beautiful time of the year. Although I’m in Miami and there’s no snow or any sign of winter for that matter, the lights, the pumpkin spice late, the hot cocoa and just the overall atmosphere is amazing. So, how do I get ready for Christmas? Aside from decorating … Continue Reading

We talk about girl gifts and must haves here all the time and we are a little guilty of leaving our boys behind. You might remember Jord Wood Watches from this post a little while ago but today, I want to share with you a holiday gift option for men! Yeap. Jord Wood Watches also makes … Continue Reading

Our love from handbags come from our mom. My mom loves nice, leather handbags so we have been taught that it’s better to invest in a handbag that will last years over cheaper versions that go bad in a couple of months. Although we would to splurge on nice handbags, we simply can’t afford that … Continue Reading

Holiday shopping was never one of my favorite things to do because I’m so bad at thinking what other would like but ever since this year, with A Hint of Life up and running, making shopping guides and lists has become a regular thing. I love helping you guys out with ideas and better shopping … Continue Reading


Hope you are enjoying your time with your family during this Thanksgiving break. Although there’s many crazy things happening around the world, we many things to be thankful for. I mean, after all, we are in front of a computer at the comfort of your home 🙂 So! Black Friday deals have started and I … Continue Reading

More AWESOME Deals!